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Metal dog tags - the safest way to tagged your dog

Every single dog owner must be aware that his or her dog should be tagged. It is important in case of being lost, when the tag will tell a finder to whom the dog belongs. All the dog tags have owners" names and addresses on them. That is the way to find dog"s home and bring him or her back to the family. Although some animals are microchipped, it is still much more easier to tagged a dog with a special, metal dog tags. The piece of metal is easy to hang on a dog collar. It ensures animal"s safety and looks like an original decoration. There are various tags to choose. Sometimes all the information is printed on the tag, but there are also tags with engraved data. The second ones are permanent and safer, because it is impossible to wear the information off.

Dodane: 2015-09-18 Kategoria: Produkcja / Weterynaryjne, Hodowla Zwierząt
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